Cordoba hosts FACTS, the Mediterranean Festival of the New European Bauhaus
From April 11 to 13, the city of Cordoba will host FACTS, the Mediterranean version of the New European Bauhaus, promoted in Spain by the Fundación Arquitectura Contemporánea.

Promoted by the Fundación Arquitectura Contemporánea, it will be held in parallel to other events in Brussels and other European cities.
From April 11 to 13, the city of Cordoba will host FACTS, the Mediterranean version of the New European Bauhaus (NEB) promoted in Spain by the Fundación Arquitectura Contemporánea. This institution has set itself the goal of “reflecting on and making visible inspiring practices in relation to the principles of beauty, sustainability and community that the European initiative defends, in its intersection with Art, Science, Technology and Society (ACTS),” according to the organization.
This is the second edition of the festival, held in 2022 also in Cordoba under the title ‘Rediscovering the Mediterranean’, which this time proposes the slogan ‘Back to basics’, by which “we will pursue reflections that bring us closer to the essence of the Mediterranean city, as a strategy to improve the quality of life and response to the immediate challenges and opportunities,” say the organizers.
All those interested in participating in this edition have had the opportunity to submit their proposals for communication, action or parallel activity, with no limit on format or discipline.
This program, financed by the Municipal Institute of Economic Development and Employment of Cordoba after a selection process carried out by the European Commission in the framework of the ‘NEB Meeting Point Sur+’ activity promoted by the Contemporary Architecture Foundation with the intention of mediating between European policies and local initiatives in the face of the challenges and opportunities of the Mediterranean city.
In addition, Cordoba is part of the international network ‘CrAFt cities’, “a European Union program that aims to move towards climate-neutral, beautiful and inclusive cities,” they add.
The slogan ‘Back to basics: water, peace, calm’, ‘Back to basics: water, shade, calm’, “seeks to provoke, from multiple and complementary approaches to the Mediterranean city, logical and ethical approaches to meet basic needs and improve the quality of life,” they say.
The strategic plan includes reconnecting with nature, recovering a sense of belonging, giving priority to the places and people that need it most, and shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting the concept of the life cycle.
Last October, the NEB Sur+ Meetings were held, “a preparatory event for this Festival, which helped us to reach a consensus on topics of interest and inspiring practices,” according to Carlos Anaya, director of FACTS.
Festival 2022 Summary:
Forum “Discovering the Mediterranean”
Editor: Beatriz Fabián
Beatriz is a journalist specialized in offline and online editorial content about design, architecture, interior design, art, gastronomy and lifestyle.