The Sibarist

Summer art route

To celebrate the summer with a good dose of art, here is a selection of five exhibitions to travel around Spain with your eyes open to new discoveries.

Obra de Susan Hiller en el Museo Helga de Alvear. Foto: Tania Castro.

Art is always an incentive when it comes to filling the suitcase to a desirable destination, thus doubling the interest with a reservation in one of the magnificent museums and art centers dotted around our geography. From Leon to see the new program of MUSAC and its monumental hall reopened with the work of Pipilotti Rist, to Malaga to know in the CAC the career of Matias Sanchez, one of the names of current art, through Caceres to see the work of Susan Miller in the Helga de Alvear, always interesting or stop by the photographic universe of Jose Manuel Ballester in the appointment proposed by the Enaire Foundation at the Naves de Gamazo in Santander or travel to the fantastic Hauser & Wirth gallery in Menorca and learn about the links of the great sculptor Eduardo Chillida with the island.

The offer is endless and this selection is just a suggestion to find accommodation near these points of artistic interest.

MUSAC of León

Vista de la exposición de Pipilotti Rist en el MUSAC. Foto: Imagen Más.

The MUSAC presents three exhibitions this summer season and reopens its most monumental hall with: María Luisa Fernández in the show entitled 8.068.807.215. Sangre en oro which presents the sculptor’s most recent production, in what is her first solo exhibition in a museum in the last eight years; to Prudencio Irazabal in Contradistancia which brings together a group of 32 paintings spanning from the mid-1990s to the present; and to Pipilotti Rist who exhibits two pieces by the video artist from the museum’s holdings and reopens its most monumental room 14 meters high. In addition, the MUSAC presents Piedad, an intervention by artist David Bestué made exprofeso that is part of the program called Epílogo, curated by Gilberto González, which joins works by national and international artists such as Antonio Ballester Moreno, Cabello / Carceller, Dora García, Candida Höfer, Pierre Huyghe, William Kentridge, Caio Reisewitz or Superflex. As the museum points out, “this selection of works shares a specific concern for heritage as that set of elements that should serve as an intergenerational bridge and materialize history in a body-to-body debate. An epilogue essay that seeks a new prologue”.

All open until October 13, except Epílogo, which will be open until January 12, 2025. More information at:

CAC Málaga

Matías Sánchez, La Romería de San Isidro. Madrid 1820, 2024, Óleo sobre lino.

In collaboration with the gallery VETA by Fer Francés, the CAC of Malaga, presents the exhibition entitled La gloria es otra cosa, a monographic dedicated to the artist Matías Sánchez, born in Germany who lives and works in Seville and has become one of the most outstanding and personal Andalusian painters who enjoys wide international recognition. The exhibition covers his artistic creation from the year 2000 to the present day and exhibits some unpublished large-format canvases. According to the museum, the title is an irony that alludes to the name of his first exhibition at the CAC Malaga in 2009, which was titled Elegidos para la gloria (Chosen for Glory). The artist declares that “the true glory of an artist is to be able to make art and live from it all his life, the rest is smoke. Glory is not having fame and walking down the red carpet. I think that art schools should start saying that art is a priesthood and that glory is work, and that it doesn’t always turn out well”.

Until next September 1. More information at:

Helga de Alvear Cáceres Museum

Susan Hiller en el Museo Helga de Alvear. Foto: Tania Castro.

The interpretation of dreams, automatic writing and the fascination for the occult are the proposals on the table in the first major solo exhibition dedicated by a museum to this artist since her death five years ago. Susan Hiller: Dedicated to the Unknown is the title of the exhibition proposed by the Helga de Alvear Museum to highlight “the importance of her legacy in artistic practice with this show curated by Andrew Price, the first major exhibition since the artist’s death in 2019.” The event is made up of paintings, sculptures, photographs and multichannel videos on loan from the Lisson Gallery, the artist’s Estate and the Inelcom Collection that are added to a large sculptural and sound installation that belongs to the collection of the Helga de Alvear Museum of Contemporary Art. For the director of this institution, Sandra Guimarães, this last piece that plays 100 popular songs that tell stories of our society, “years after their creation these songs are more relevant than ever and acquire resonance in the light of recent social and political events”.

It will be on view through October 20. More information at:

Gamazo warehouses in Santander

José Manuel Ballester, Patio interior de Sichuan, 2011.

The Enaire Foundation offers the exhibition De arboris perennis, presented at the Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid as part of the PhotoEspaña program, in its hall at the Naves de Gamazo in Santander. The author, winner of the 2010 National Photography Award and Enaire Lifetime Achievement Award, signs the 38 large-format works belonging to different series that have been selected with the curatorship of Lola Duran and show images of masterpieces of painting devoid of human presence, among which stands out Giotto’s Forest, an installation that is composed of five canvases. In the tour are mixed from New York skyscrapers, to corners of the Brazilian jungle to a Sichuan temple, gardens and orchards.

Until September 22nd. More information at:

Hauser & Wirth Menorca

Installation view, ‘Chillida in Menorca’ at Hauser & Wirth Menorca, from 11 May to 27 October 2024 ©Zabalaga Leku. San Sebastián, VEGAP, 2024. Courtesy of the Estate of Eduardo Chillida and Hauser & Wirth. Foto: Damian Griffiths.

Chillida in Menorca is a tribute to the close relationship of the artist, one of the most outstanding Spanish sculptors of the twentieth century, with the island and is composed of a selection of sculptures and works on paper that includes several pieces he made during his stays in Menorca. The exhibition consists of more than sixty works created over nearly fifty years, in the period between 1949 and 2000. The interior design of the gallery on the King’s Island, designed by architect Luis Laplace, using local materials, only confirms the close bond that united Eduardo Chillida with this land. The exhibition begins with a series of large-format Gravitations, dimensional works on paper in black and white, and continues with Mural G-56, a large-scale work, which is joined by steel pieces, wood reliefs, works made on plinths made of marés stone, the typical sandstone of the island, like the one used to build the 17th century building that houses this gallery.

Until October 27th. More information at:


Editor: Beatriz Fabián

Beatriz is a journalist specialized in offline and online editorial content about design, architecture, interior design, art, gastronomy and lifestyle.

The ICO Museum hosts until September an exhibition of this great photographer that traces a panoramic view of the architecture built during the last 30 years.
Architecture festivals highlight it and invite professionals, designers and the general public to reflect on public and private environments.