The Sibarist

“El espectador activista”, Jaime Abaurre, from March 4 to 9, 2024.

ART U READY presents during the week of ARCO what will be Jaime Abaurre's first solo exhibition in Madrid. His proposal pays tribute to his major artistic references and mocks his own ego with his characteristic irony.
The exhibition will be held at El Invernadero.

ART U READY returns during the week of ARCO for the eighth year, presenting the first solo exhibition of Sevillian artist Jaime Abaurre (1987), in Madrid. The axis of his work is based on drawing and from there he assaults other disciplines such as ceramics, sculpture and furniture design, in which he manages to leave the characteristic mark of his stroke. His work is intrepid, brazen and vividly cheerful. Trained as a publicist, Jaime Abaurre has always drawn and art has been in his life for as long as he can remember. Great-grandson of a poet, grandson of an architect and designer, and son of a photographer. Jaime’s world is aesthetic as an acquired natural result and this can be appreciated in his work, balanced, light, with proportionate chromatics, minimalist and conceptual. The elegance of his lines that create human figures in the form of portraits stands out.

Self-taught and transversal, in his work we find references to architecture, inspired by figures such as Alejandro de la Sota, Óscar Niemeyer and José Antonio Coderch; in design he draws inspiration from Miguel Milá, Joe Colombo and Jaime Hayón, among others, but he also draws from literature, from what he notices around him and from great artists such as El Greco, Picasso or Matisse. Jaime dives into other disciplines with respectful and fresh boldness, which he genuinely makes his own. There are no borders in his research, he enters and leaves freely, contaminating himself with everything and nothing, although the one who returns from this journey is a more complete artist. A single red line as a return toll: to follow the beating of his heart.

Curious and archeologist of the human, he is mainly inspired by people. We find portraits, faces are always present. Gazes with many layers that observe and observe us, everything is dual in his work, his double meanings invite us to look inward in search of answers. As in personal relationships that fluctuate, in her work her faces dialogue, swaying, flowing with natural movement.

Jaime “shows his face” in the art world from the pandemic, that after years doing commissions for people around him, decides that the time has come when he wants to devote himself fully to this profession and under the name “Más cara que espalda” boldly bursts into the art scene. Behind this decision there is modesty, respect for the medium and a lot of humor with a good dose of irony. He says that his great-grandfather, a poet, also used a pseudonym (Bachiller Fulano de Tal). Inspired perhaps by him, Jaime shows his artistic imaginary as “Más cara que espalda”, which is also the name of a physical space, his studio-gallery in Seville located in an emblematic building in the center of the city, by the architect Aníbal González, where in addition to doing his work, he exhibits his works and invites other artists to collaborate and exhibit without filters. Four years shaking the Sevillian orb that have served him to vindicate art as a way of life, and to make a niche for himself in his own right. Jaime will hold his first solo exhibition in Madrid and in 2024 he will cross borders to Mexico, where he has been invited to participate in several projects and fairs.

In “El espectador activista” we can glimpse his entire universe, from drawings to other volumes and objects in the form of faces that observe and mirror us. This exhibition pays tribute to his major artistic references and mocks with his characteristic irony to his own ego, claiming the listening and observation of the other against the constant self-exhibition that prevails in our society today. From Seville with humor, and “Más Cara que Espalda”, Jaime Abaurre presents himself.

Dates: March 4 to 9, 2024.

Opening: Monday, March 4, from 7 to 10 pm.

Registration for the inauguration

From March 5 the exhibition will be open for visits from 11am to 7pm (closed Sunday).

Location: El Invernadero. San Lorenzo, 11. Patio. 28004 Madrid.


De su pasión y vinculación con el arte, surge en 2016 ART U READY. Enmarcado en el apartado de RSC, es una plataforma para dar visibilidad a artistas con una mirada transversal y periférica, alineados con valores que mejoran la sociedad. Fomentar la transversalidad y desdibujar fronteras en el arte es uno de sus grandes lemas. Se definen como una célula de ideas en constante evolución que fusionan arquitectura, arte, diseño, tecnología, formación y conciencia.

Impulsa esta propuesta The Sibarist I  Intentional Living,como organizador y principal patrocinador.

El compromiso con el arte como motor de transformación

Para el sonido de la exposición contamos con partners de excepción como Bang & Olufsen, firma danesa con 95 años de tradición de emblemáticos e icónicos equipos audiovisuales. Líderes tanto por su calidad tecnológica y apuesta por la innovación, que logra el mejor sonido del mercado gracias a su investigación continua, como por su diseño atemporal con materiales nobles y artesanía.  Disfrutaremos de sus elegantes piezas patrimonio musical para acompañar a nuestra exposición con el mejor sonido.


Inmobiliaria boutique de propiedades singulares que pone en valor la arquitectura contemporánea y especializada en casas de autor. Promueve un estilo de vida en el que arquitectura, diseño y arte convergen creando una experiencia única. Sus líneas de negocio son compra venta de propiedades singulares, rentabilizan algunas especiales de su portfolio inmobiliario con eventos y rodajes, y son creadores de una colección de casas de autor para viajeros. Se definen como una marca curadora de espacios.


Su origen se remonta a mediados del siglo XIX. Se cree que fue construido por un gran amante de la botánica, el marqués de Casa Jiménez. Situado en el patio de la que fuera su residencia, un señorial edificio de principios de dicho siglo, sus dos grandes castaños son testigos de su pasado. Convertido hoy en un espacio contemporáneo, El Invernadero conserva su estructura original de hierro, de color grisáceo y marcado aire francés. Es la sede de la inmobiliaria boutique The Sibarist en la cual también celebran eventos de firmas de prestigio y sus exposiciones de ART U READY.