Open House Madrid Architecture Festival returns, from 23 to 25 September
OPEN HOUSE MADRID is back from 23 to 25 September. This year we are once again participating with El Invernadero and we are incorporating two icons of contemporary architecture: Casa de Blas, by the architect Alberto Campo Baeza, and Casa Huarte, by Corrales and Vázquez Molezún, protagonists of this edition of the festival.

We are once again taking part in the eighth edition of the Madrid Architecture Festival, an event in which we have participated since its inception and in which we showcase some iconic properties. This year the festival pays tribute to the architects José Antonio Corrales Gutiérrez and Ramón Vázquez Molezún, two figures of great individual trajectory, but who together have proved to be the perfect and necessary tandem to mark a before and after in the Spanish architecture of the mid-twentieth century. We are pleased to open this year one of their most iconic properties, Casa Huarte in Puerta de Hierro.
Friday 23 September: El Invernadero. 11am to 2pm and 4:30pm to 7pm.
Saturday 24 September: Casa de Blas. Architect Alberto Campo Baeza. At 11:00; 11:30; 12:00; 12:30; 13:00 and 13:30.
Sunday 25 September: Huarte House. Architects José Antonio Corrales Gutiérrez and Ramón Vázquez Molezún. At 11:00, guided visit by the architect Pablo Olalquiaga, Vice-Dean COAM ; 11:30; 12:00; 12:30 and 13:00.